Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Town Councillor Applauds Globe's Armoury Ingenuity

Local and Regional Councillor Jane Fogal (Wards 3 and 4) has written a great article about the Armoury Project on her blog.

Here is an excerpt:

"Fortunately, Globe Productions had been saving up their money in the hopes of one day having a permanent home and found that the old armoury building would be a terrific opportunity to make their dream a reality. Under the leadership of Lois Fraser a proposal was put together and presented to the town. The proposal was accepted in principle and Globe was immediately at work to secure the roof. They hired a heritage architect and invested in an entirely new roof that sits above the old one. It is well insulated and is clad in a lovely green metal pictured above. 

The building is now the responsibility of Globe Productions. Their plan is to use it for rehearsal space and storage. In addition they will permit further community use as is practical.

This is a wonderful outcome for the whole community. Many thanks to Globe for seeing the potential and showing the leadership to make it happen."

Read the full article at: http://www.janefogalsblog.blogspot.com/

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