Monday, September 27, 2010

Globe Veterans Head "Into the Woods" Again

Rehearsals are well under way for “Into the Woods”, Globe Musical Productions' first show of the 2010 - 2011 season. And while it might be a new script to most of the cast – three of them are already very familiar with it. Mark Llewellyn, Scott Lale and Paula Gonslaves were in the original cast of “Into the Woods” when Globe performed the Stephen Sondheim hit in the summer of 1993.  Needless to say, they are thrilled to be part of a Tony-award winning show again.

Cast of the 1993 Rendition of "Into the Woods".  Paula Gonslaves as Florinda (pink dress) and Mark Llewellyn as Cinderella's prince (far right)

Llewellyn, who starred as Cinderella's Prince in the original version, is now working behind the scenes constructing the “Into the Woods” sets. To date, he has been involved in more than 60 shows both onstage and off-stage.

Mark Llewellyn and Scott Lale captured in a clearing in the Norval woods

Theatre has brought great things to Llewellyn - including his wife, Nanci.  It was a match made on-stage, when in 1990, Globe presented "Guys and Dolls" with Mark starring as Sky Masterson and Nanci starring as Miss Adelaide.  They have been married for 13 years and continue to work together in Globe shows both onstage and behind the scenes.

Introduced to the stage when he was just 10 years old, Scott Lale's career in theatre has been life-long.  After studying theatre in high school and university, Scott Lale appeared in the 1993 rendition as the Baker. Now, a professional Director, he oversees the City of Brampton's in-house theatre company at the Rose Theatre.  As the Director of the current “Into the Woods”, Scott is excited for the chance to work on one of his favourite shows.

“It has been about 10 years since I've been able to work with Globe. Coming back to Globe is like coming home,” remarks Lale. “Sometimes, in this business, you really need to recharge your batteries.  I love to work with the people at Globe. They aren't here to just collect a paycheque – they are here because they really love it.”

Paula Gonslaves who played Florinda, one of the ugly stepsisters in the 1993 portrayal, was a Grade 11 student at the time. Now a full-time drama teacher in a Brampton high school, she plays the Baker's wife in the upcoming show.
“This has to be one of my favourite shows,” says Gonslaves. “I love Sondheim. The music is exceptional and the lyrics are so clever.”

“Into the Woods” runs from November 19 – 27, 2010 at the John Elliott Theatre. Tickets can be purchased online at or by phone at (905) 877-3700.

To see the online version that was printed in the Georgetown Independent on Thursday, September 30th click

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Audition Call for February Cabaret Show 2011

A Time to Remember – Georgetown Globe A Decade in Song
Audition Dates:  October 1st at 7:30pm  and October 3rd at 7:00pm at St. John's Church in Georgetown, 11 Guelph Street

Requirements: Musical Theatre Song and a cold read from the script (accompanist provided - please bring sheet music)

Other Requirements: Please bring current head shot and resume to audition

To book your audition contact Cecily Restivo at or 416-709-2220
This Cabaret is specially designed to honor Georgetown Globe Musical Production's last 10 years with songs from musicals such as:

Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat


The King and I



West Side Story

Wizard Of Oz
Anything Goes……

And many more

Performance Dates:  February 4, 5, 10, 11 and 12, 2011 at 8pm and February 6, 2011 at 2pm

All performances will be at St. Paul's Parish Hall, Norval

Rehearsal Dates: Wednesday and Friday Evenings and Sunday Afternoons

Globe Buys the Armoury for $2

As reported in the Georgetown Independent...

Halton Hills council unanimously approved the deal to sell the Armoury to Globe for $2.  The agreement provides for Globe to purchase and restore the 143 year-old building and the lease the land that its sits on which is owned by the Town.

To read more:

And if you are curious, here are the lyrics to the song "Thanks for the Armoury", written by Maureen Walker and sung by the Globe members in attendance at the Council meeting after Council approved the sale.


Thanks for the Armoury,
As you can plainly see, we’re happy as can be,
To have the luck to get a home instead of “wait and see”
How lovely it is!

Thanks for the Armoury
It’s really looking great, inside the Fairgrounds gate,
We promise you we’ll all work hard to keep it in this state,
How lovely it is!

KIDS: We are some kids from the Youth Group
And we adore anything musical,
Next spring we’ll be putting on Seussical,
Our parents too, will vote for you!

So thanks for the Armoury,
At last we have a home, a place to call our own,
A place where we can settle and from which we’ll never roam,
And thank you so much!

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Your AGM Info

Globe's Annual General Meeting will be held

Monday September 20th
7:00 pm Sharp
Rehearsal Hall
St Paul's Parish

Armoury Report
Call for Fundraising/Sponsorship Chair
Reading Committee
Dissolve Board
Nominations from the Floor (All Positions Open for Nomination)
Q & A

All positions have a Current Board Member willing to stand EXCEPT

Vice President
Social Convenor
Member At Large

Monday, September 13, 2010

A Great Day at the Farmer's Market

Stephanie Kroezen, Ryan Keane, Melissa Fischer
Great to see so many people at the Georgetown Farmer's Market on Saturday morning!  Globe had an amazing booth, as you'll see in the photo's below, complete with Cinderella (thank you Stephanie Kroezen) and a very regal queen (thank you Nanci Llewellyn).

More than 100 entries were place in our "Win tickets to Into the Woods" contest!  Congratulations to our winner Heather Fancy.

Thank you to the Georgetown Farmer's Market for lending us the tent. 

Mark your calendars - Globe will be at the Farmer's Market the next three weeks - Saturday, September 19, Saturday, September 25 and October 2nd.

Special thanks to Bobbie Flatt for organizing, Melissa Fischer for her on-site assistance, Ryan Keane for carrying the table.  Thanks to the "two Jenn's"  - Jenn Johnson and Jenn Marshall for that amazing sign board all about Globe's upcoming season.
Bobbie Flatt (in red sweater) closing the sale

See you next week!

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Fall Fair Success

They came. They saw.  They conquered. 

Our crack team of Fall Fair specialists assembled by trade show and outdoor event mastermind Arlene Keane and her uber-talented son, Ryan Keane (LeFou from 'Beauty and the Beast"), worked their magic this weekend, shaking hands and kissing babies at the Georgetown Fall Fair - all in the name of Globe.

Joining them in their "take no prisoners" approach to person-person sales were:

- Rae-Anne, Norm and Sue Dingwall...Norm looking resplendent in a court jester's costume.  Congratulations to Rae-Anne for winning first place in the "Georgetown Idol" competition at the Fair. Awesome!

Norm Dingwall on the hunt for another customer

- "The Jenn's" - Jenn Johnson and Jenn Marshall, who not only mingled with fair goers and Carny-folk alike dressed as "Little Red" and "Cinderella", but also created two masterful signboards - one of the current Globe season and one of season's past

"Cinderella" (aka Jenn Johnson) with one of her many adoring fans

- Natasha McDonald - 3rd place winner in the "Georgetown Idol" competition held at the Fair. Way to go Natasha!!

- Jennifer Laarhuis - soon to be seen as the Wicked Witch in "Into the Woods"

- Genevieve Chapman and Morgan Lion...

- Reese Milton (M. Darque from "Beauty and the Beast")

- Martin Broadhurst (Maurice from "Beauty and the Beast")

- George Walker Bamforth II (Sound technician for "Beauty and the Beast")

- Dave (Assistant Stage Manager for "Beauty and the Beast")  - a special thanks for securing the power supply, and for checking back often to make sure all things technical were running as they should

- Nanci and Mark Llewellyn for the audio visual equipment

-  Bobbie Flatt for her inspiration, energetic "never-say-never" sales drive and commitment to the Fair

- All the youth company members who went to the fair and stopped by the Globe booth to say hello and see if they could help

Wow! What a group!  Many, many thanks to all who helped spread the word about Globe a little farther.
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Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Seussical Production Team Hard at Work

The Cat in the Hat.  Photo credit: Wikipedia

Hidden away in a secret lair somewhere in the hills of Halton, the Seussical production team met last week to start planning for the amazing youth production in March 2011.

The production team includes:

- Leann Playter - Producer

- Rob Woodcock - Director

- Diane Murray-Charett - Musical Director

- Angel Ottema - Choreographer

- Mary Bilik Udell - Costumes

- Audrey Holt - Publicity

Watch this blog for upcoming updates on show information, audition information and much, much, more!!

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Annual General Meeting - Monday, September 20th, 2010

Our Annual General Meeting will be held on Monday, Sept. 20th, 2010 at 7 pm at St. Paul's Parish Hall in Norval. We will elect our new board & announce the shows for the 2011/2012 season. (ooh, exciting). We have the following people putting their names forward for next term:

-  Lois Fraser (President)
-  Melissa Fischer (Vice President)
-  Kevin Sharkey (Treasurer)
-  Bobbie Flatt ( Secretary)
-  Leann Playter (Youth Co. Rep)
-  Mary Udell (Building Manager)
-  Jenn Marshall (Member at Large)
-  Audrey Holt (Publicity)
-  Nobody So Far (Member at Large)
-  Nobody So Far (Social Convener) I see that he/she is on here twice…must be a hard worker….

All positions are open to anyone who wants to put their name in. We could have an election. How exciting! We also think we will need a separate Armoury Board in future to look after the project, building maintenance and rentals after it is built.

We send our thanks to Maureen & Chris who are stepping down as Treasurers this term. What incredible service we have had from these huge Globe supporters! Our thanks goes to retiring social convener Cecily Restivo as well.

Member News from Lois

These are my notes on what is up with members. If you have more news, please email Audrey Holt ( and she will keep a file for the next newsletter. Thanks, everyone! Lois

The ”Mystery Woman” who came out to help at armoury has been identified as Miranda, mom of youth member Myra Koehler. Thanks, Miranda!

We were sad to learn of the death of Kelly Baker’s father. The Baker family (Kelly, Keith, Cadence and Skyla) are all active members of Globe. Kelly’s Mom also has cancer, so they have been dealt a double whammy. Our thoughts go out to the Baker family.

Fred Helson’s 89th birthday: Many of you know our longtime Globe patron, Fred Helson. Fred turned 89 and his friends gave him a big bash at the Cultural Centre Gallery. Why wait for an even 90, I always say. I was asked to provide music, so Globe members Joe Gomes, Dale Wood, Haydn Evans, Lisa Tass, Joanna Fraser and I quickly put together some Girshwin music and a bit of Broadway for the evening. Fred was so tickled that he invited us to dinner a month later to celebrate the people who have him a great party. I have never been to a party for a party before, but it was such a success that we may have to do another party.

Wedding bells were ringing this past year for several Globe members: Congrats to Cecily Restivo and Nick Petroff , Joe Cochrane and Christina Romasz and Cheyenne Harvey and Paul Stodolny on their recent marriages (all in the last 5 months!) All of these couples are involved in musical theatre together, which is a great thing to have in common. It is nice not to have to explain “the week before opening night” to anyone.

Aaron Scarlett is off to the Phillipines to work for a year (I think it is a year). Guess he’ll be easy to spot in a crowd there. Good luck, Aaron!

Debbie and Brian Tilson have moved to Bala. They came over to Lois and Al’s cottage for dinner one summer evening (it is only a 20 min drive) to visit with the Sharkey, Walker and Fraser families. They both look great and are very happy up north. After quite a bit of wine, we solved all of the problems at Globe and most of world issues as well. J

Editor's note:  If you would like to read more about Cheyenne Harvey's engagement and how it all happened:

Monday, September 6, 2010

Happy Anniversary GLT!

A hearty congratulations to Georgetown Little Theatre on its 50th anniversary!!!

Here is a little background information from GLT about their history and how they will be celebrating this golden achievement.....

"Georgetown Little Theatre Productions Inc. (GLT) will be celebrating its 50th Anniversary in the 2010 – 2011 Season. GLT was formed in 1960 out of a theatre arts night class. The first show the group presented was the melodrama, “Dirty Work At The Crossroads” presented February 1961 at Wrigglesworth School. GLT performed in various locations over the years, besides Wrigglesworth School, the High School Auditorium, Sacre Coeur Hall and finally the John Elliott Theatre opening the theatre in the fall of 1981 with “Not Now Darling”.

During our 25th anniversary negotiations started with the Town of Halton Hills to purchase the old Stewarttown Hall. On January 2, 1986, our dream became reality. Tragedy struck on March 30, 1998 when the building caught fire. By the late afternoon all that was left was ashes except for our archives which were stored in an old steel and stone vault. With the perseverance of GLT members and assistance from the community, businesses and the Town, the new custom-built Studio was opened in 2002.

GLT now supports a large youth group which presents two productions a season at our Studio. The adult group presents three productions a year at the John Elliott Theatre and one production in December at the Studio.

Golden anniversary celebrations will include an Open House Saturday, September 25 at our Studio, 33 Stewarttown Road. See where we rehearse, how a set is built, visit our costume and properties rooms, have your face painted, join in at the BBQ, plus much more. Get your tickets for opening night, November 4, of “Wait Until Dark” by Frederick Knott and join us in a wine and cheese reception after the show. On May 28, 2011, at the Glencairn Golf Club, GLT will be celebrating with a Gala dinner and dance. Tickets are $75 each and will be available to our members, patrons, subscribers and the public.

We are looking for past members and patrons to inform them of our celebrations. Please contact us at Georgetown Little Theatre Productions Inc., 33 Stewarttown Road, R.R. #2, Georgetown, ON L7G 4S5 or by phone at 905-877-3422 and let us know where to find you. Please check out our website at for updates on events."

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Into the Woods - Plot summary

Here is everything you wanted to know about the story-line of Into the Woods:

Into the Woods is full of familiar fairy tale characters (Little Red Riding Hood, Jack and the Beanstalk, Cinderella, Snow White - to name only a few!), living out their stories in the same forest at the same time.  It includes, of course, a wicked witch and a menacing giant.  The characters are constantly bumping into each other in the woods and becoming entangled in one another's lives. 

Act I sets up the traditional fairy tale, taking the characters to the point of "happily-ever-after".  Act II is an examination of what happens AFTER the "ever-after", the consequences after everyone has had their wish granted.  The characters reflect almost all of our human emotions and experiences from birth to death, from happiness to despair, and from the fulfillment of one's fondest dreams to the dashing of one's dearest hopes.

Into the Woods made its Broadway debut in 1986 to rave reviews for Stephen Sondheim's lyrics and music.  It went on to win Tony Awards for Best Score, Best Book and Best Actress in a Musical. 

Into the Woods runs from November 19 - 27, 2010 at the John Elliott Theatre in Georgetown, Ontario. For tickets visit or call (905) 877-3700.

Entertaining local audiences for nearly thirty years, Georgetown Globe Productions prides itself on presenting exceptional musical theatre. Since 1981, Globe’s high calibre productions have been recognized with no less than fifty-nine Thea Awards from the Association of Community Theatres - Central Ontario. For a great evening out, stay home with Globe!

Into the Woods - The Cast

And, here it is!  The cast of Georgetown Globe Musical Productions' Into the Woods:

Andy Ingram - Baker
Ben Coles - Ensemble
Chantelle Tanguay - Ensemble
Chris Gawley - Mysterious Man
Cullen Jackson - Jack
Dale Kustra - Cinderella's Prince
Danny Dalcourt - Cinderella's Father
Diane Murray-Charrett - Cinderella's Stepmother
Jackie Burns - Ensemble
Jennifer Laarhuis - Witch
Jennifer Marshall - Little Red
Jhuntue Grey - Steward
John Thomas - Narrator
Kelly Tipler - Rapunzel
Matt Willis - Wolf
Maeve Sharkey - Sleeping Beauty / Ensemble
Meaghan Lugsdin - Stepsister
Nicole Gauthier - Stepsister
Paula Gonsalves - Baker's Wife
Raeanne Dingwall - Snow White / Ensemble
Ryan Jeffrey - Rapunzel's Prince
Sharon Nimmo - Jack's Mother
Stephanie Kroezen - Cinderella
Susan McLay - Granny
Tracy Masters - Cinderella's Mother

Into the Woods runs from November 19 - 27, 2010 at the John Elliott Theatre in Georgetown, Ontario. For tickets visit or call (905) 877-3700.