Monday, September 13, 2010

A Great Day at the Farmer's Market

Stephanie Kroezen, Ryan Keane, Melissa Fischer
Great to see so many people at the Georgetown Farmer's Market on Saturday morning!  Globe had an amazing booth, as you'll see in the photo's below, complete with Cinderella (thank you Stephanie Kroezen) and a very regal queen (thank you Nanci Llewellyn).

More than 100 entries were place in our "Win tickets to Into the Woods" contest!  Congratulations to our winner Heather Fancy.

Thank you to the Georgetown Farmer's Market for lending us the tent. 

Mark your calendars - Globe will be at the Farmer's Market the next three weeks - Saturday, September 19, Saturday, September 25 and October 2nd.

Special thanks to Bobbie Flatt for organizing, Melissa Fischer for her on-site assistance, Ryan Keane for carrying the table.  Thanks to the "two Jenn's"  - Jenn Johnson and Jenn Marshall for that amazing sign board all about Globe's upcoming season.
Bobbie Flatt (in red sweater) closing the sale

See you next week!

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