Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Member News from Lois

These are my notes on what is up with members. If you have more news, please email Audrey Holt ( and she will keep a file for the next newsletter. Thanks, everyone! Lois

The ”Mystery Woman” who came out to help at armoury has been identified as Miranda, mom of youth member Myra Koehler. Thanks, Miranda!

We were sad to learn of the death of Kelly Baker’s father. The Baker family (Kelly, Keith, Cadence and Skyla) are all active members of Globe. Kelly’s Mom also has cancer, so they have been dealt a double whammy. Our thoughts go out to the Baker family.

Fred Helson’s 89th birthday: Many of you know our longtime Globe patron, Fred Helson. Fred turned 89 and his friends gave him a big bash at the Cultural Centre Gallery. Why wait for an even 90, I always say. I was asked to provide music, so Globe members Joe Gomes, Dale Wood, Haydn Evans, Lisa Tass, Joanna Fraser and I quickly put together some Girshwin music and a bit of Broadway for the evening. Fred was so tickled that he invited us to dinner a month later to celebrate the people who have him a great party. I have never been to a party for a party before, but it was such a success that we may have to do another party.

Wedding bells were ringing this past year for several Globe members: Congrats to Cecily Restivo and Nick Petroff , Joe Cochrane and Christina Romasz and Cheyenne Harvey and Paul Stodolny on their recent marriages (all in the last 5 months!) All of these couples are involved in musical theatre together, which is a great thing to have in common. It is nice not to have to explain “the week before opening night” to anyone.

Aaron Scarlett is off to the Phillipines to work for a year (I think it is a year). Guess he’ll be easy to spot in a crowd there. Good luck, Aaron!

Debbie and Brian Tilson have moved to Bala. They came over to Lois and Al’s cottage for dinner one summer evening (it is only a 20 min drive) to visit with the Sharkey, Walker and Fraser families. They both look great and are very happy up north. After quite a bit of wine, we solved all of the problems at Globe and most of world issues as well. J

Editor's note:  If you would like to read more about Cheyenne Harvey's engagement and how it all happened:

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