Monday, September 6, 2010

Happy Anniversary GLT!

A hearty congratulations to Georgetown Little Theatre on its 50th anniversary!!!

Here is a little background information from GLT about their history and how they will be celebrating this golden achievement.....

"Georgetown Little Theatre Productions Inc. (GLT) will be celebrating its 50th Anniversary in the 2010 – 2011 Season. GLT was formed in 1960 out of a theatre arts night class. The first show the group presented was the melodrama, “Dirty Work At The Crossroads” presented February 1961 at Wrigglesworth School. GLT performed in various locations over the years, besides Wrigglesworth School, the High School Auditorium, Sacre Coeur Hall and finally the John Elliott Theatre opening the theatre in the fall of 1981 with “Not Now Darling”.

During our 25th anniversary negotiations started with the Town of Halton Hills to purchase the old Stewarttown Hall. On January 2, 1986, our dream became reality. Tragedy struck on March 30, 1998 when the building caught fire. By the late afternoon all that was left was ashes except for our archives which were stored in an old steel and stone vault. With the perseverance of GLT members and assistance from the community, businesses and the Town, the new custom-built Studio was opened in 2002.

GLT now supports a large youth group which presents two productions a season at our Studio. The adult group presents three productions a year at the John Elliott Theatre and one production in December at the Studio.

Golden anniversary celebrations will include an Open House Saturday, September 25 at our Studio, 33 Stewarttown Road. See where we rehearse, how a set is built, visit our costume and properties rooms, have your face painted, join in at the BBQ, plus much more. Get your tickets for opening night, November 4, of “Wait Until Dark” by Frederick Knott and join us in a wine and cheese reception after the show. On May 28, 2011, at the Glencairn Golf Club, GLT will be celebrating with a Gala dinner and dance. Tickets are $75 each and will be available to our members, patrons, subscribers and the public.

We are looking for past members and patrons to inform them of our celebrations. Please contact us at Georgetown Little Theatre Productions Inc., 33 Stewarttown Road, R.R. #2, Georgetown, ON L7G 4S5 or by phone at 905-877-3422 and let us know where to find you. Please check out our website at for updates on events."

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