Tuesday, October 5, 2010

October Armoury Update

 A cute story from Mark Llewellyn:

Lois, Al, Chris, Maureen and I met at the armoury on Thursday with our architect and contractor. While we were discussing matters an older couple stepped in through the open door for a look-see. Lois engaged them in chit-chat and it turns out they are just visiting from the same area of England the Walkers are from. The gentleman's former business was in renovating and restoring old buildings and he was fascinated by the timber construction in ours. When Lois told him about our situation and mentioned our two dollar annual lease agreement with the Town they, get this... handed her 20 bucks and said "we are going home and won't need this Canadian money so here is your rent for the next ten years!!!!!!!!" Wow!

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