Monday, November 1, 2010

An Armoury Update - November 1, 2010

An Armoury Update from Lois Fraser and Mark Llewellyn:

Winter is coming and we have installed steel slats on the steel roof to stop snow and ice accumulation from ripping off the eaves troughs or landing on the head of some unlucky person hanging out near the building. It cost $3300.00, but it had to be done. We are officially out of money now and waiting for a confirmation from Trillium to see if we got some (or all if we get lucky all) of the $150K that we applied for. If we get the grant, then we will need to launch a $150K + fund raising program in the New Year to take advantage of our momentum and interest in the project. Please think about how you can help!

We are getting down to the time when we examine every aspect of the plan and see if anything needs to be changed in view of where we are at the moment. For instance, we are looking to see if there is any way to get more seating capacity in the main open area, without seriously harming our ability to construct sets. Your committee is meeting on Nov. 11 (Remembrance Day,…how appropriate!) to discuss the next steps.

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